
遊戲設計 進修日記 – Blender – 07

Grease Pencil教程清單與筆記~

下篇 – Grease Pencil 筆記

Blender 2D/3D for beginners, drawing and animating with greasepencil (blender 2.8) - Part 1/2







Blender 2D/3D for beginners, drawing and animating with greasepencil - Part 2/2




How this 2D/3D animation was made – Introduction to Blender greasepencil and tips for beginners


Learn Grease pencil in Blender 2.82 (2D Animation and Storyboard) - English

如果還完全沒有Blender的基礎,想直接入手學Grease Pencil,可以參考這個影片。

~下方拍手按個讚(每人最多可按5次讚),鼓勵一下吧,您的鼓勵就是店小二持續發文的動力~ 感謝 : ) ~

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